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Here it is the magazine your 'Hip Canine' has been waiting for!
Keep up with the latest and greatest canines of fame, fortune and personality. A definite must for those who need to know Who's Who in the neighborhood and the world.

Check Back For

Another New Playdog Star!

TAFFY Canine Super Executive
MIA Herding Idol Star.
ROSE A flowering Rose bud.
SAMI Perfection and Style in fur.
MATTEA Elegance in Gold.
BILLIE Furry Fairy Princess.
MICHELANGELO Designer and Creator of Butterfly Love.
ISAAC Royal personality in a compact package.
MINI 'CHALUPA' Hot Puerto Rican Number.
SADIE Sunflowers and sunshine Lady.
SKEETER All around winner.
HAROLD Wildlife specialist.
TUCKER Gentleman executive.
WHITNEY Retired member of AARC.
BEEBE Winter Princess, Woodland Nymph.
TSUNAMI Personality plus a serious collecting nature.
OLLIE Picture perfect 'Puppy Chow' with looks galore.
BECKY Successful friend with an ear for listening.
MILO An athletic Siamese with Olympic talents.
CAESAR The good looking 'Bad Boy of Bradford'.
SEBASTIAN A talented boy with a Melodic Voice to be sharred.


Your special fur child can become a Playdog Star. With pictures and bios I develop a story that is fun and enjoyable for those that faithfully follow the stories and pictures of each month's feature. It gives you and your special one bragging rights and worldwide celebrity. I consider the fur friends and their human counterparts I select to write about to be exceptional individuals. They allow me to embellish and exaggerate so that I can entertain, and entertaining is what we are all about.
For more information please e-mail us at:
Pappy Maile-mail us at Happy Pappy Productions

All rights reserved
Happy Pappy Productions